Oh this was a great fun day. My brother offered to go grad this vintage beauty with me. Located in Ocotillo, CA. Pretty much turned into an all day mission. We brought our centerlines and tires as the tires were flat. Honestly my brother did most of the work funny. I chased this one down for around 3 months. The paint had a sweet metallic in it. I thought the name was right because I pulled maybe 5 pounds of sand out of it. This baja was the driest baja I had ever seen. Great bones to build whatever. Take a look at some of our pictures. We cut all fenders, added 1835 dual port motor with stinger exhaust, washed and waxed and much more. I am very happy to say this one went to a very very good home.
Thanks to my brother for all his love and support. For real lucky to have him in my life.
Larry at Pierside parts in Huntington Beach for all the parts< motor and tech support.
My great buddy dave for his fender cuts and help whenever I call on him.
Do what you love no matter what.
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